HYM-47 polyurethane additive, polymer foaming agent, colorless, high stability
TUW-110 Data Service Center Immersed Phase Change Liquid Refrigerant, Colorless and Transparent
TUW-52 Electronic fluorination solution Immersive liquid refrigerant for cloud computing data centers
TUW-56 electronic fluoride precise cleaning agent and solvent diluent
TUW-60 fluorocarbon solvent (such as AF solvent), electronic cleaning agent
TUW-74 Temperature Control, Heat Transfer, and Packaging Testing Agents in the Semiconductor Industry
TUW-82 high-speed rail power inverter, lithium-ion battery powered vehicle, immersed cooling fluid for wind turbines
TUW-94 Data Service Center Immersed Phase Change Liquid Refrigerant, Colorless and Transparent